Since I was a kid, I always have a problem with my face. I am thankful that I didn't have any pimples. Yet God gave me a very big cheeks. Yes, BIG CHEEKS.
One day, my sister got a good deal online for an RF or radio frequency. This radio frequency is done to make one part of your body smaller or thinner, your choice. So I chose to make my cheeks smaller. Yes my cheeks got smaller and I really love it. But as people say, one problem is caused by another problem.
Since my cheeks got smaller. I was shocked to realize that because of this, my nose looks bigger than it's actual size. I never had a problem with my nose before. But this time, it is the hell for me.
Of course, I will never consider any surgical job for my nose. I'm scared about it. I hate it. So I am checking something online, I saw this NOSELIFTER. Good thing about this is that, I don't have to do any surgical treatment to fix my nose. It is just a small mechanical thing that will be inserted in my nose anytime I wanted.
I used the Nose Lifter Small because it is the size that fits to my nose. I can smell normally. I don't have any problems talking. I never have any negative reactions to my skin. I can use it anytime I wanted and remove it when I am about to sleep. And it doesn't distract me.
I really love this Nose Lifter. I think I need to buy another one in case the other one will be lost. Thank you so much for doing this to me.